
Communication with Stakeholders

TSC values and listens to the voices of various stakeholders. Through discussions and reviews within the units and departments under the ESG Committee, we gather information on internal and external groups or individuals that have an impact on or are affected by the Company’s operations. We also reference the five principles of the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (SES) to identify seven main stakeholders: suppliers, customers, employees, investors, government, media, and others (including the general public and academic institutions). Through regular and irregular communication with stakeholders, we aim to understand the actual and potential impacts of our operations on stakeholders. This understanding serves as the basis for our future planning of relevant preventive and mitigation actions.

Stakeholder Engagement

Issues of Concern

  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Product Liability

Communication Frequency and Channels

  • Regular: Remote or on-site audit (Annually)
  • Time to time: Suppliers meetings, Contractor environmental, health, and safety promotion, – Questionnaire survey, RBA self-assessment questionnaire

Communication Achievements in 2023

  • Promote suppliers to sign the “Declaration of Non-Use of Minerals from Conflict Areas,” achieving a signing rate of 90%.
  • Conduct audits, whether online or in person, for at least 9 automotive suppliers, ensuring all meet TSC’s quality requirements for automotive components.

Issues of Concern

  • Social Participation
  • Business Ethics and Integrity
  • Information Security Management
  • Employee Safety and Health
  • Sustainable Supply Chain
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Human Rights
  • Innovative Products and Services
  • Product Liability
  • Climate Strategy and Energy Management
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Waste Management and Recycling

Communication Frequency and Channels

  • Regular: Customer Satisfaction Survey (Annually) ,Corporate Sustainability Report and Official Website
  • Time to time: Various types of communication and discussion meetings can be arranged based on customer requirements, Customer questionnaire responses (such as EcoVadis, Platform of
    Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), SupplyOn, etc.), Customer Audit

Communication Achievements in 2023

  • Conducting annual customer satisfaction survey and the result is 4.6.
  • In 2023, the TSC released its inaugural sustainability report, showcasing its sustainable performance and accomplishments through meetings and emails.
  • The number of customer ESG questionnaire responses exceeds 20.
    The off icial website revamp project was scheduled to be completed in 2023 to enhance the user experience and streamline the process
    of accessing product details for customers.

Issues of Concern

  • Business Ethics and Integrity
  • Innovative Products and Services
  • Customer Relationship Management

Communication Frequency and Channels

    • Regular: Labor-management Meeting (Quarterly), Occupational Health and Safety Meeting (Quarterly), Employee Meeting (Annually), Employee Satisfaction Survey (Annually), Performance Evaluation Explanation Seminar (Every Six Months)
    • Time to time: Employee Interviews, Employee Feedback and Sexual Harassment Grievance Reporting Mailbox, Departmental Work Meeting

Commucation Achievements in 2023

  • No employee grievances were received in 2023. The “Employee Opinion Survey” was first launched in 2023 to systematically gather insights into the overall work experience and thoughts of colleagues.
  • In 2023, TSC competency model was officially launched, aiming to foster a high-performance consensus among all employees.

Issues of Concern

  • Business Ethics and Integrity
  • Climate Strategy and Energy Management
  • Social Participation

Communication Frequency and Channels

  • Regular: Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, and Annual Report (Annually), Corporate Governance Evaluation System (Annually), Financial Statements (Quarterly), Investor Conference (Quarterly)

Communication Achievements in 2023

  • In 2023, TSC conducted 5 investor conferences to publicly explain the highlights and performance of its sustainability efforts, aiming to promote two-way sustainable communication with investors.

Issues of Concern

  • Business Ethics and Integrity
  • Information Security Management
  • Employee Safety and Health
  • Social Participation

Communication Frequency and Channels

  • Time to time: Official Document and Email Correspondence, Assessment, Evaluation, and Audit, Various types of meetings (such as seminars, investor conferences, and forums).

Communication Achievements in 2023

  • Participating in Corporate Governance Evaluation System
  • Actively maintaining smooth communication with the government, in accordance with the Financial Supervisory Commission’s “Regulations Governing Establishment of Internal Control
    Systems by Public Companies”, we have appointed a Chief Information Security Officer and a team of dedicated personnel, totaling 3 individuals, who are responsible for establishing
    the corporate cyber security management framework.

Issues of Concern

  • Business Ethics and Integrity
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Innovative Products and Services
  • Climate Strategy and Energy Management
  • Water Stewardship

Communication Frequency and Channels

  • Regular: Investor Conference
  • Time to time: Face-to-face, and Telephone Interview, Company Official Website, Press Release, Social Media

Communication Achievements in 2023

  • Held five investor conferences

Issues of Concern

  • Business Ethics and Integrity
  • Information Security Management
  • Employee Safety and Health
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Human Rights
  • Talent Recruitment and Retention
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Social Participation
  • Sustainable Supply Chain
  • Innovative Products and Services

Communication Frequency and Channels

  • Regular: Invoice Donation
  • Time to time: Disaster Relief Donation, Assistance for Lunch and Tuition and Miscellaneous Expenses for Underprivileged Students, Blood Donation Charity Event, Industry-Academia Cooperation Meeting

Communication Achievements in 2023

  • In 2023, we partnered with prestigious comprehensive universities to introduce the TSC Internship Program. Total internship hours are
    close to 1,500 hours.
  • In 2023, the I-lan Site and Li-Je Site issued a total of 321 donation invoices to charitable organizations. The total amount of joint fundraising gift vouchers purchased by the I-lan Site and the Li-
    Je Site Employee Welfare Committee in 2023 reached NT$966,800.

Material Topic Identification

TSC conducts a material topics analysis every year, following the GRI Standards, to establish the analysis process. This process consists of four steps: identification, evaluation, analysis & inspection, and approval. It aims to assess the actual and potential impacts of operational activities on the economic, environmental, and social aspects. This analysis serves as the foundation for developing and adjusting sustainability management strategies. To understand stakeholders’ level of concern regarding TSC’s sustainability issues, we expanded the distribution of questionnaires to both internal and external stakeholders in 2023, resulting in a total of 51 responses. This enables us to accurately identify stakeholder concerns and address their needs and expectations through various communication channels.

In 2023, TSC identified a total of seven material topics: Business Ethics and Integrity, Innovative Products and Services, Talent Recruitment and Retention, Customer Relationship Management, Sustainable Supply Chain, Information Security Management, and Climate Strategy and Energy Management. TSC has already started implementing TCFD and will continue to establish climate strategies and goals to support climate targets
and reduce greenhouse gas. This year, Climate Governance and
Strategy has been designated as one of the material topics. 

2023 Material Topic Matrix

In response to the GRI Material Topics 2021, TSC considers factors such as industry, geographic location, and organization to define the positive and negative impacts of various sustainability issues. Through the concept of risk management, TSC identifies the actual and potential significance of these impacts. TSC set the X-axis of the material topic matrix to represent the organization’s impact on the economy, environment, and society for each issue, with the magnitude of the impact differentiated by numerical values. The Y-axis of the matrix represents stakeholders’ assessment of the issue’s likelihood of occurrence.

Material Topics Implications

Positive/Negative Impact and Implications

Enterprise and Customer Information Leakage: Information security vulnerabilities or hacker network attacks can result in the unauthorized disclosure of customer personal information or sensitive corporate information. This can potentially lead to legal disputes, illegal activities, and economic losses, including litigation costs and compensation. It may also expose customer information to unauthorized use.

Positive/Negative Impact and Implications

Sound Corporate Governance: Establishing a strong corporate governance framework is advantageous for the company to be included in the F4GTTE or enhance its competitiveness in the international capital market. By implementing various policies and promoting ethical standards, we encourage all employees to comply with legal regulations and integrate ethical practices into all business activities, thereby ensuring sustainable business operations.

Management Policy

1.2 Corporate Governance

Positive/Negative Impact and Implications

Sustainable Product Design: Utilizing Product Lifecycle Management to reduce process waste and strengthen hazardous substance management in order to minimize the environmental impact of products. Additionally, identifying raw materials with recycling potential and promoting circular product design. Introducing cutting-edge technology in both the design and production stages, adhering to the innovative concept of “green products”. Implementing production processes that are low in pollution and energy consumption, resulting in tangible benefits for greenhouse gas reduction.

Management Policy

2.1 R&D and Innovation

Positive/Negative Impact and Implications

Customer Relationship Management: Through regular customer meetings organized by the sales team, we can understand the actual needs of customers and make immediate improvements to operational plans. This will optimize and enhance the customer experience, as well as increase customer retention rate and loyalty, thereby improving economic performance.

Management Policy

2.2 Customer Relationship Management

Positive/Negative Impact and Implications

Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Through a fair and transparent selection process, considering factors such as quality, delivery schedule, prioritization procurement of local raw materials, and supplier sustainability issues management. Suppliers are encouraged to drive compliance with sustainability practices among their downstream suppliers, promoting economic inclusivity.

Positive/Negative Impact and Implications

Human Resource Management: Establish an attractive, diverse, and equitable remuneration and benefits system to increase employees’ sense of identity and cohesion towards the Company. Develop diverse recruitment channels to recruit excellent talents to enhance operational efficiency. Meanwhile, enhance employee professional capabilities through a comprehensive talent development and cultivation system, provide appropriate positions for different employee characteristics, and thereby improve employee job satisfaction.

Positive/Negative Impact and Implications

Climate Governance and Strategy: Strengthening strategic deployment and the management of climate issues in enterprises (such as increasing the proportion of renewable energy sources) can both promote energy transition, and help to reduce environmental impacts such as carbon emissions and waste, mitigate global warming, and enhance the management measures of climate-related risks through investment. It also helps to lead the development of low-carbon industries and enhance the climate resilience of TSC.

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